Honey has been adopted! ! Congrats to Rachel and Eric in Baltimore!
This beautiful girl is named Honey. Honey quickly outgrew her owners. Honey is a dog we rescued from a life of being tied to a tree. Her owners were well meaning but as she grew, they could not control her. She was forced to be tethered to a tree, sometimes getting loose and running the neighborhood. Honey definately recieved all the TLC a puppy needs, as she is very sweet and loves people. Honey is an extremely affectionate dog, period. She will lick you to death and wants to be a lap dog. She really had no formal obedience and did not walk on a leash well. She pretty much dragged anyone. Honey has been evaluated and began training and has been in foster care for a few months. Her foster family, who is very experienced with bulldogs, they have put a lot of work into getting Honey looking as beautiful as she does now. They have gracioulsy offered their obedience training services for our rescue as well. Honey is well on her way to becoming a well adjusted member of the family. Are you the family for her? Due the situation with her basically learning the ABC's of manners at one year of age, we will require a mandatory obedience contract with her adoption. We prefer her to be adopted in the MD/VA or surrounding areas. We will be checking in with her progress, and refuse to allow another family put her training on the back burner. Please do not apply if you are not 100% dedicated to training and making this dog a family member. You will not find a better group of people then the Old Glory gang to gather advice on training and American Bulldogs. Honey is spayed and up to date on her vaccines. Below is an update from her foster family, Old Glory American Bulldogs. We are currently fostering her and working on her manners. She does not display any symptoms of an abused dog. The woman who owned her was very elderly woman. She told me she loved her very much, but she was just overwhelmed with her energy and athleticism, as she changed from a puppy to an adult. That's why she was willing to foster her out to a rescue who could find the RIGHT person or family for Honey. For the last 3-5 months she was kept tied to a tree and did not have much human interaction. It is clear that she was loved and cared for when she was younger. She is one year old. The old woman's adult son had taken her to the vet for regular shots and check ups. She is in perfect health, Full of energy. And extremely SWEET. Honey is responding well to the obedience we are teaching her. So, if you are ready to give this pup a chance, please email Michelle at mdebbrr@aol.com