Unfortunately, it seems it is always puppy season here and this month is no exception.
Thelma & Louise - Contact Louise (L) Thelma (R)
These two sisters won't be ready until December. They are being fostered by Lizzy's Lodge, in Silver Spring, MD.
Courtesy Listing for Recycled Love & Kathy.
Please contact Recycled Love if interested. www.recycledlove.org
Mouse and Buckwheat are two little Pit puppies who were rescued from a kill shelter in MD. They are approx 9 weeks old. They are very healthy, happy, active and social. Mouse is White with brindle spots and Buckwheat is dark brown with white toes and chest. If you are interested in adopting please fill out an application at www.recycledlove.org Thank you!
Hello everyone! Are you enjoying the beautiful fall weather? Our dogs sure are! I know you have all been waiting patiently for Jelly Belly updates and the wait is OVER!
Jelly Belly was pulled from BARCS, September 18, 2010. She was not eating at the shelter and since she was so huge, they felt she needed medical attention that they could not provide. We had to help her, so we did! We transferred her to our vet, Dr. T, at Light Street Animal Hospital. We had a complete blood panel done and boarded her until we could transfer her to a temporary kennel situation. She did not last long in the kennel as she started with a cough and back to the vet's she went. She had another blood panel done, put on antibiotics for an URI and on a prescription diet. Jelly Belly just did not want to eat. During the time we got involved this dog, she was not eating but she still had energy and she was still a happy dog. The problem is she did not want to eat any kibble at all. The vet said stay strong and do not give in, she will eat eventually. Kathy at the Happy Hound Hotel found a perfect foster for us and she has had Jelly Belly since. Thank you Kathy and Jodi!!
Jodi has been fostering Jelly Belly, now called Ellie. Jodi said Ellie is a dream, well behaved, no vices, except for that hunger strike, which thankfully is now over. I have also been trying to watch Ellie on the weekends to give Jodi a break and also because I LOVE this dog! She is awesome.
I have a theory about Ellie. She was picked up by Animal Control in September but it was clear to everyone this dog was never a stray dog, nor probably spent more then a few hours outside of a house her life. She was clean, her nails trimmed, her teeth clean and white, no calluses and so well behaved. I think, mostly due to her size that she was someone's shadow, maybe an older person that was not very active. She clearly ate people food, so maybe this person fed her what they ate. She absolutely refused all food except people food up until a two weeks ago. She knows how to walk on a leash, she knows not to get on the furniture unless you let her. She loves everyone. She was definately someone's prized companion. Ellie was happy dog when we first got her, but she also had a sadness to her too. Like she was missing someone. I am not sure if she really was but that is my theory and I think I am right about this. I think she was mourning her family. She clearly was loved and she has so much love to give as well.
Well now Ellie has a new family, the EBBRR family! Jodi has nothing but great things to say about her and we hope she gets adopted soon. Ellie has lost 14lbs since she has been with us and not everyone can tell but she is starting to loose the flab. :) Ellie is a dream at the vets, what dog likes the vets? She does! Look how relaxed she is! We weighed her in at 88lbs. ! Yeah Ellie! Jodi plays lots of games with Ellie and walks her all over Fells Point. This dog is starting to become a celebrity! Ellie is a great dog and has an exceptional personality. Everyone falls hard for her and we think she is ready for adoption to the right family. She still has some medical challenges, like loosing more then 30lbs before she can be spayed and staying on a strict diet but other then that this girl is a walk in the park. Oh yeah, she loves walks in the park!
If you are interested in adopting Ellie, please email Michelle at mdebbrr@yahoo.com. More pics and video to come!
We did not put the correct date on the original chipin, so we had to make a new one.
Jelly Belly's Guardian Angels
~*~ Russell ~*~ Amie ~*~ Kat ~*~ Jen ~*~ Maddy ~*~ Timothy Dr. T @ LSAH ~*~ Jon ~*~ Jodi ~*~ Charlotte ~*~ Adrianne ~*~ Lea ~*~ Hillary ~*~ Deborah ~*~