Tuesday, July 07, 2009

*Free* B-More In Control July Class *Free*

*Click the picture for the full size version*
B-More Dog’s first free education workshop, called B-More In Control, is scheduled to take place on May 31 at BARCS (Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter). We’re very excited to present this class, which we hope will provide inexperienced or struggling dog owners with some tools to make their lives easier. We’ll be covering a lot of ground in this class, including proper health care, feeding, and shelter of animals, basic dog body language, simple and basic training techniques as demonstrated by a pit bull friendly trainer, and the importance of keeping your dog in control at all times–particularly if your dog is of a breed that’s unfairly maligned by society.

Come to this class, and spread the word!

Details can be found here.

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