Bella is very upset that we did not add her to this blog earlier because she was in our care a whole month before Mr. Bean came to stay. She pouted until I finally gave in, so here is Bella's Post!
Bella (Golden Retriver/Pit Bull)came to us in August 2009 from BARCS. She had both, Sarcoptic and Demodex Mange. She was hot to the touch and very lethargic. We gave her a few days to settle in and she started to relax after being in the shelter. (so stressful there) We have been treating her for the mange for two months. She has up and down weeks, and almost as soon as she is off the medicine it only takes a few days before she starts up again. We are trying to boost up her immune system by feeding her a raw diet with supplements.
Bella has a hearty appetite and does not like to share her food with other dogs. (That goes for treats too) She is fine if a person takes her food but no other animals. Bella loves to take walks and she loves her big brother, Odie. She gives him puppy kisses all the time. Odie acts tough and ignores her kisses but we all know he is starting to like this little Bella girl.
I am going to try and describe Bella's personality... she reminds me of a very special dog we had named Ginger. They have a lot of the same personality traits. Bella is very sweet and she gets very happy to see you, but she is not a "lick you all over" type of puppy. As soon as you pick her up she will give you a kiss or two but thats it! She loves other dogs right now, and this can change as she gets older, but she is very puppish with an adult dog. Now that Bean is at the house well we have met her other personality...which is a lot like our dog Ginger. She is a very jealous puppy. She intercepts Bean if he tries to say hello to our dog Odie. She will do her best to steal Bean's treats or toys. She does not try this with Odie, but she definately knows she is a little older, bigger and stronger then Bean and she bullies him if we let her. She also does something that is really cute...she takes her paw and smacks Bean in the head, then they play together. She is not aggressive just pushy. When it comes to going outside and playing, Bella reminds me of one of my favorite SNL skits with Amy Poehler as Kaitlyn. If you watch these videos you can probably picture what life with Bella will be like! When she gets on a roll she zooms around and around you and drives you crazy!

Since I have been on a roll with the blog... I hope I can keep it up. Thank you for stopping by!